Last updated 28/10/2019


  1. If you haven't yet, download and install the free Anki spaced-repetition platform.

  2. Once installed, open the app and create your personal profile as prompted.

  3. Import the collection. This can be done in two ways:

    1. From the Anki menu (File > Import), or

    2. Double-clicking the Anki (.apkg) file

  4. Enjoy!


Where can I find a comprehensive Anki user guide?
Plenty of community-made guides have emerged since inception of the resource. Check out my Resources Page for more information!

What happened to the sub-decks?
If you are a returning user or have been using a previous version of the pre-clinical deck you may have noticed that sub-decks are no longer being used to organise the collection. Functionally, the sub-decks are still place, just organised more intuitively through Anki's tagging system.

This was a change made by the community going into version 1.5 to allow Anki to sync faster and handle the high flashcard volume without the risk of your settings/data being corrupted on every sync with Anki's servers. This also gives the learner more control over the content, as cards can easily be restructured to be more aligned to personal preferences or your school's curriculum.

How can I make my own sub-decks?
To create your own sub-decks from the collection you need to navigate to Anki's card browser. Installing the hierarchical tags addon (which roughly takes 2 minutes) will make this process easier but isn't necessary. Within the card browser you will be able to see each tag present in the collection in the left pane. Each card is tagged with their subject/specialty, subspecialty, and/or topic (e.g. "cardiology arrhythmias atrial_fibrillation"). From the list of tags, select the tag you are interested in, this will bring up all cards with that tag in the right pane. Then select all of the cards you would like to move and move them to a new deck as you'd like using the options at the top of card browser window. 

Why can't I see any images in the flashcards?
Out of respect for other educators and publishers, all visual media has been stripped from the flashcards available on At this time, all cards contain text written by myself—with content vetted by the community. The collections are still effective, and with Anki you are able to add your own images as you'd like during your review.

Note: for the Internal Medicine collection many of the images are tables that outline what is already written in the flashcards.

Do you have a question you want to see answered here? Let me know!