Resources that could help.
My tools and resources are free to access, but if you’re interested in supporting my work you can buy me a coffee!
Building an Online Curriculum
In collaboration with The Curbsiders I’ve put together a resource page that may help you quick-start an online supplement to your GME Internal Medicine curriculum.
Interactive Clinical Narratives
Interactive, web-based clinical scenarios that model common decision making challenges and patient narratives encountered in the hospital setting.
How to Write Great Flashcards
How to Write Great Flashcards: Join Dr. Amreet Sidhu, creator of the popular Brosencephalon Anki deck, and Dr. Rishi Desai, the Chief Medical Officer of Osmosis, to learn how you can master the skill of writing the perfect flashcard!
Quality Reads & Videos
A curated list of quality reads and resources made by some of my peers and mentors.
Glutanimate's Anki Addon guides and demos
Gwern Branwen's comprehensive literature review on Spaced Repetition
’How To Remember Anything Foreverish’ by Nicky Case
'Effective learning: Twenty rules of formatting knowledge' by Dr. Piotr Wozniak
'How to Study in Medical School' by Dr. Eric Strong
'The Science of Teaching and Learning' by
'How to Learn Effectively in Medical School: Test Yourself, Learn Actively, and Repeat in Intervals' by Marc Augustin
’What can medical education learn from the neurobiology of learning?’ by Friedlander, et. al. (2011)
’Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions From Cognitive and Educational Psychology’ by Dunlosky, et. al. (2013) [Truncated PDF version here]
The AnKing—a YouTube channel covering the approach to Anki, available addons, and premade flashcards